Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Déjà vu all over again

In September 2004 I was told by my doctor I had to lose 10 pounds because of hypertension or high blood pressure. If I didn’t I would have to go on medication. It took me until November 2004 to join a gym and start getting fit.

Over a 6 week period with the help of a personal trainer I got in shape and lost 10 pounds. The reduction of weight also reduced my blood pressure to a normal level. During that period I also changed briefly some eating habits and cut out some of bad things for a month – pizza and coke.

To be able to do that I had to be really focused and determined in what I wanted to achieve. A switch had to go off in my mind that this was something that needed to be done and achieved.

Now in 2008 I find I have to do the same thing all over again. During my time here in Oz I have not been as physically active as I was when I left Toronto. Part of that has been that I had got out of the rhythm of going to the gym. Which lead to increased pounds or kilos in my weight.

In September 2006 I broke my foot and was not able to resume gym activities until mid-November. Then I left for Oz in December 2006 and because the gym was much more expensive here I have not been going on a regular basis.

That has changed as of now. I realize I just have 2 month left before I head off on my trip around the world and my one month visit in Toronto. That has triggered in me a goal to get active.

Back in February 2008 I made an effort to do this as well, but quickly fell off the wagon. The reason being I really didn’t have anything to work towards. Back then 4 months till the trip seemed like an eternity. But now it seems like its close enough that before I know it will be upon me.

So starting on Sunday I went for a morning bike ride and then in the evening attended a pump class, which is similar to boot camp class. The next day my entire body was aching. On Monday evening I started a 2nd session for 10 weeks of yoga class, which also felt like a complete workout. This morning I got up at 6:15am and made my way to gym, where I signed up for a membership and did about 45 minutes of cardio interval training work and then later in the morning rode to work on my bike.

3 days into my new lifestyle which includes cutting out all the bad stuff to eat for a month or more and I feel good. Now I just need to keep it up and hopefully by June I will look trim, taught and terrific. It’s all in your head that drive and desire to accomplish change.

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