Thursday, September 18, 2008

World Views

I haven’t felt the urge lately to write about anything happening in Australia or my life. So I thought I would highlight some recent things that happened in the world recently. I want to use the blog as a timeline of events that took place while in Oz.

Sarah Palin – Republican VP - August 28, 2008

Almost 3 weeks ago Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain’s VP. She has caused a sensation with her beliefs and her demeanour. She is a 44 year old governor of Alaska for almost 2 years. She describes her self as hockey mom with 5 children. Two which have made headlines, one a 17 year old girl who is pregnant and a 19 year old boy who headed off to Iraq, just days ago.

Palin believes in the right to bear arms and is member of the National Rifle Association (NRA). She supports capital punishment and the teachings of creationism in schools. She is pro-life and does not believe in abortion even in rape circumstances. She believes in pre-emptive military action in the face of an imminent threat.

Her beliefs and the straight-forwardness of her speeches have caused an Internet and Media sensation over her. You can see comedy sketches of her on Saturday Night Live, You Tube and on speciality internet sites dealing with politics and comedy.

Financial Collapse in US – September 15 – 18, 2008 and continuing

Wall Street's oldest investment bank, Lehman Brothers filed for Bankruptcy.

This was followed by the sale/merger of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America for $50Billon US

The following day American International Group – AIG, the world’s largest insurers was bailed out by the US government

The next day shares of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley fell so sharply (Morgan Stanley has lost $120 million US in value) that Morgan Stanley was considering a merger with another bank.

All of this financial upheaval, the worse since the Great Depression era is having effects all around the world. The effects are being felt in the UK, Europe and Asia.

Canadian Election – Oct 14, 2008

On September 7, 2008 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called a general election. For the past 2+ years he has been the PM but in a minority government. He senses that he may have the numbers to win a majority government. He may be right as the hold of the Bloc Quebecois party on Quebec may be waning and increased competition from the NDP and Green party is eroding Liberal votes to spilt the vote toward the Conservatives.

What do I want?

Ideally a Liberal government or a minority Liberal government, but I don’t think it will happen. So I would prefer another minority government for the Conservatives. If this election shows that Stephane Dion cannot connect with voters, I want a new leader who can. The only way that may happen is if the Liberals lost.

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