Tuesday, August 19, 2008

At last Olympic gold for Canada

For the past week of the Olympics I have been watching Australian swimmers win gold, silver and bronze medals. It’s been great a week for the Aussies. It’s also been fun watching the swimming live with other work colleagues who gather around the TV to cheer on Aussie favourites like Stephanie Rice, Lisbeth “Libby” Trickett, Leisel Jones and other swimmers.

But as late as Friday of last week Canada had not won any Olympic medals. Then a surge on Saturday saw 3 medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) won within an hour of each other.

I final got to see a Canadian team win a gold medal live. It was in the men’s 8 rowing 2000 meter race. The Canadian team took the lead and kept it all the way to the finish. The reason I saw it was because Australia had a team that was lead by its flag bearer James Tomkin, who was in his 6th Olympics. But unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be for the Aussies they finished 6th.

As expected the Aussies are doing exceptionally well at these Olympics and are currently in 4th place on the tally board with 33 medals won.

I have watched more summer Olympics here in Oz than I have in all my life. It’s also more conducive as the colder weather and only a 2 hour time difference makes it easier to watch, than in summer time in the northern hemisphere.

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