Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back in Melbourne, reflecting on Toronto

Our adventures are over. We have been back in Melbourne over 2 weeks now.

While in Toronto I had no desire to Blog. I had a great time being in Toronto, enjoying the warm weather, great food and seeing family and friends after being away for 18 months.

Not much has changed in Toronto, but it does look and feel a little different. The downtown core of Yonge and Dundas has changed with redevelopment. The Royal Ontario Museum has had a face lift and is now a bigger and a better museum for it. The CN tower now lights up at night with a colour show. The TTC has LCD readouts of stops and a neutral sombre female voice telling you what stop you are arriving at.

But other things have not changed, like the Blue Jays still losing. Car drivers are still courteous to pedestrians but also drive to fast. The food at the local greasy spoon tastes the same and hot dogs and donuts taste great.

One thing that has changed is my taste for pizza, while in Toronto I did not really enjoy the pizza I had. Pizza Pizza, Classico and Mamma’s Pizza just did not cut it for me and my taste buds. I did not find it as tasty as my own home made pizza or that of my local pizza shop in Melbourne. You have to come and try the Margareta and the Mexicana at Fairfield Pizza. It is so delicious you just want to keep eating.

But to reiterate my previous point, the Hot Dogs, home made hot dogs with cheese and buttered buns are so delicious. Who knows what’s in them but they taste so good. So Australians need to come to Toronto for hot dogs and Canadians need to come to Melbourne for pizza.

It was great to go away and see Montreal and Ottawa. I had never been to Montreal in summer time and it is a great city. The highlight for me was renting 2 bikes for free at the metro stop and riding up Mont-Royal. At the time I was cursing, because I was out of shape. But looking back it was very nice. As well as spending our first evening on National day in Montreal was a nice feeling. And getting our own private recital at St. Joseph ’s Oratory with Philippe, Allison and Chelsea.

Also our time in Ottawa was nice because I got to be a tourist again and do things like visit the House of Parliament, The National Gallery and the Museum of Civilization. But also do things like walk along the Rideau Canal and go for a drink on a Friday evening while listening to a live funk band. And of course seeing all the family in Ottawa.

Back in Toronto it was good to see former work colleagues and former basketball friends and my buddies.

Finally it was great to be back home with my parents. The food can not be beat; my mother is just a marvellous cook. She makes food that’s hearty, tasty and so delicious.

It was great to discuss in person with Charles about technology and hear his viewpoints on global issue like high oil prices and the measures that need to be taken.

It was great to be back in the company of my parents and all of our family friends. It felt like old times and lots of eating, stories and jokes were had.

If there is a good time to visit with family it has to be summer. Sitting out in the front porch or back yard drinking cool drinks and eating good food, there is nothing better in the world.

I love Toronto, it is my home and where my family is and I will be back one day.

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